Wednesday, 20 April 2011


                                                                1)  URL

Uniform resource locator is a  website address which enables people to locate a particular site and its the global address of documents and other resources world wide web.

                                                                   2) HTML

Hyper text markup language is a computer language devised to allow website creation and  its the predominant markup language for web pages.Anyone connected to the internet can view the pages.

                                                                    3) JAVASCRIPT

This is a scripting language which is usually embedded directly into HTML pages . its an interpreted language and everyone can use it without purchasing a license. 

                                                               4) APPLETS

It is any small application that performs one task that runs within the scope of larger programs. Applets ate programs designed to be executed from within another application, often as a plug-in.

                                                                         5) BLOGS

This is a type of website or part of a website , where people write stuff on an ongoing basis.Its a personal diary, a breaking news and collections of links and thoughts from individuals.Videos and pictures can be uploaded to blogs.

                                                                6) WIKIS

 Its a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit web page content using web browser. Moreover its a database of pages which can be edited by viewers or visitors.

                                                                           7) FTP

File transfer protocol is the simplest way of exchanging files between computers on the internet.Its used to download a file from a server using computers on the internet.

                                                        8) PLUG-IN

They are software modules that add to the functionality of an application which are plug- ins for example photo shop. Furthermore its a software component that adds specific abilities to a larger software application.

                                                                    9) FILTERS

 Its a program that accepts a certain type of data as input,transforms it in some manner,and then outputs the transformed data.

                                                        10) INTERNET SECURITY SUITE

Its a new generic named fake anti virus program from the same family as smart engine.
It infiltrates without notifying computer users.


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